Thursday, May 21, 2020
Per Capita Income - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 641 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Finance Essay Level High school Tags: Income Inequality Essay Did you like this example? As the world grows to become a richer place, people are making different amounts of money. Income per capita is based on many factors, which is why income differs majorly among different regions. The term income inequality is used to describe the extent to which an income is distributed in an uneven manner among a population, or simple put as the gap between the rich and everyone else (Income Inequality.). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Per Capita Income" essay for you Create order While many nations see income inequality as a major issue and others see it as a minor one, it is definitely still important in the modern world to address this pressing issue. The job market is a major cause of income inequality. The skills that people have have a great effect on the job market due to supply and demand. If there is a large supply of workers for a specific skill, but only a low demand, the wage for that job will be much lower than if there was a low supply of workers and a high demand for that skill (Leung). Education easily ties into this. The so-called technology-and-education argument explains how high levels of education and skills are the gateway to high wages (Baranoff). High quality education also allows for skills that keep peoples jobs from being taken easily by computers and machinery, and although this issue still does remain as an issue for skilled workers, unskilled workers are subject to worse outcomes (Leung). Another cause of the inequality is globalization and outsourcing in other nations. Due to the fact that countries such as the United States import many goods from other countries, there is less need for many U.S. industries that previously provided many jobs in producing these goods (Baranoff). Examining income inequality in the United States, the facts have gotten worse over the past 30 years. Lydia DePillis says that in 2016, the median upper-income family[held] 75 times the wealth of the median low-income family, and this 75x has gone up from 40x since 2007 alone and from 28x since 1989 (Americas Wealth Gap Is Bigger than Ever.). Meanwhile, Denmark is a country with a much smaller gap between the rich and the poor. Another way of saying this is that they have a smaller gini coefficient, that being 0.249 in 2016. Derek Thompson explains how there is a lot of intergenerational mobility in northern Europe and Scandinavia, where a poor young child[can] become at least a middle-class adult. In understanding why this is, people must first consider that Denmark is similar to the United States because children of poor parents who dont go to college are also unlikely to attend college or earn a high wage. Denmarks lower class citizens are able to move up the social ladder due to high transfers of money that come from taxes paid by the rich. This demonstrates their economic philosophy stating that the market is an unfortunate socioeconomic lottery system (Denmark Isnt Magic). Governments can help fight income inequality by providing education and employment training for lower class families. By doing so, it would bring everyone up to at least a minimum standard, and be more effective in growing wealth (Amadeo). Microloans have been another method helping people globally. In Haiti, a company called Fonzoke is helping poor Haitians start their own local, sustainable business and become self-sufficient. Through their program, they have helped over 5,000 people, and a large perc entage of them can now manage their lives without grants. Kiva is another program that is online, where people can crowdfund a small loan to a real entrepreneur who is working to grow their company on the other side of the world (Divine). The world has an economic issue that needs to be addressed. If countries want to develop further in the future, it will be important for them to work on internal stability by working to lessen income inequality as a whole.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Gender in the Odyssey - 1002 Words
Odysseus values and character traits serve as a paradigm of the ideal Homeric Greek man. The god-like Odysseus is crafty, valiant, wise, and eloquent. He gains much of his knowledge through travel, the meeting of different cultures and peoples and learns from suffering and mistakes. He is an aristocrat and a warrior of all warriors. We first learn of many of these traits in Homers Iliad. Agamemnon, the commander of the Greek army always calls on Odysseus for assignments that required someone cunning and brilliant. Agamemnon sends Odysseus to ask Achilles to return to the army and sends him with Diomedes into the Trojan camp to attain information. Odysseus has to be sly and quick so the Trojans do not catch him. Homer describes†¦show more content†¦He follows Hermes exact instructions and when the goddess attempts to strike him with her sword, he lunges at her. Odysseus draws his sword and says, Swear me a great oath that there is no other evil hurt you devise agains t me.(Homer, Book X, Line 344) Homer has Odysseus draw his sword at this moment; perhaps he aims to show how a womans appeal and sexuality is a threat to male dominance. Such interactions between men and women add a certain dynamic to the epic and make it more interesting and easier for the reader to identify with the story. Although, Odysseus is very sly and resourceful, many times even he finds himself lost when he is in these types of situations with seductive women. Odysseus was so infatuated with Circe that he remained on her island for a year, completely forgetting about his nostos or homecoming, until his men convinced him to leave. Another moment when we see the importance of gender to the project of the Odyssey is during Odysseus seven-year stay with Kalypso on her island. When Odysseus relays the the story of Kalypso, he changes the story slightly to give the perception that he was held prisoner and lamented the entire time he was there. However, Homer gives us some insight when he says; the nymph was no longer pleasing to him, (Book V, Line 153) which implies that at some point Odysseus did enjoy himself with the goddess on the island. Kalypso offered him immortality and a life of ease.Show MoreRelatedAthena And Gender Roles During The Odyssey1776 Words  | 8 PagesAllen Professor T. Carlisle English 212-044 October 05,2017 Research paper intro and thesis and work cited Athena and Gender Roles in the Odyssey The expectations of gender roles had a great impact on women in classical Greek society. In Ancient Greece, women were banned from entering the battlefield because warfare was seen more suitable for men, it is where they would show their strengths, physical courage and power. 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Respect vs. Disrespect Free Essays
Respect Vs Disrespect By Osita Onyebuchi Respect vs. Disrespect Have you ever met someone who was rude to you and didn’t hold you with much regard? How did you feel? Did you feel angry? What do you think respect is? How is respect earned? Respect is an important way of being kind and good to other people. We live in a society that respect is earned not given. We will write a custom essay sample on Respect vs. Disrespect or any similar topic only for you Order Now With respect there is also an opposite side of disrespect. The definition of respect is to consider worthy of high regard. There are different forms of respect, the word respect is defined as the condition of being esteemed or honored. Disrespect, on the other hand, is defined as a lack of respect. Respect has great importance in everyday life; everyone wants to be respected. Even those who do not give respect expect to be respected by others. We may also learn that how our lives go depends every bit as much on whether we respect ourselves. The value of self-respect may be something we can take for granted, or we may discover how very important it is when our self-respect is threatened, or we lose it and have to work to regain it, or we have to struggle to develop or maintain it in a hostile environment. Some people find that finally being able to respect them is what matters most   It is acknowledged widely that there are many different kinds of respect. Respect may come in different forms, but it will still be perceived as respect. Respect in your family household is very important for a child and any other individual. For example, a child may choose to obey their parent because their parent is very strict and the child doesn’t want to get on their bad side. This form of respect could also be perceived as fear because the child is worried about how the parent will react if they choose to misbehave. Read also Twitter Case Study The child would also respect their parent in a way that if they were to request something, the parents will grant the favor. Another example is a police officer respecting the rights of a man they just arrested. This form of respect is leaning towards unalienable rights. The police officer have to give you the respect that you deserve even when you are the one wrong in the situation. The respect goes a long way in our legal system because it’s the foundation on how criminals should be treated. Everybody akes mistakes especially criminals so you should always resect them even if you don’t approve of what they did. We are not in the place to judge anybody regardless of what they did. Everyone’s rights are respected regardless of merit. Another example is a child respecting and looking up to a celebrity. The child is in awe and therefore respects the celebrity. Besides those three examples, there is also religion. In different religions and culture comes major respe ct. The gestures you make with one culture is different with other cultures and religions. The culture of the people of China and Africa demand respect. For example, taking off your shoes before you enter into a house is very big in China but not as big in the United States. Another example would be calling your elders â€Å"aunt†or â€Å"uncle†. In Africa that is major respect, you can’t walk into somebody house and don’t greet them by saying â€Å"aunt or uncle†, Religious tolerance does not mean one cannot express his own beliefs. It does mean that seeking to undermine or attack the religious faith and beliefs of another has always been a short road to trouble. It doesn’t matter if you dont worship the sam GOD the person next to you, just have respect for their religious beliefs. Cultures and religions are very important to people, so therefore respecting them is also very important. The last example is respect in the workplace. When you are at work there are so many rules you have to follow when it comes to respecting your co-workers. For example, there’s is a various amount of beautiful women at your workplace and you tend to gain interest in the person other than business relationship. I would advise not to do it due to the fact that it may come off as a form of disrespect. When it comes to building a relationship in the workplace it just doesn’t work out so try to stay away from that. Aside from respect, there is also disrespect. From being slapped by someone to being publically humiliated, disrespect is alive and well in today’s society. Just like respect, disrespect also comes in different forms. Verbal disrespect is a form of disrespect seen virtually everywhere. Raising your voice to an adult in public, using harsh words towards one another are some examples of verbal disrespect. Verbal disrespect does not always appear to be disrespect. For example, cutting someone off while they are speaking and lying and manipulation. When you cut somebody off when they are speaking that shows the person that you are not listening to them and don’t care about what they have to say. Many people are being verbally disrespected but do not notice it because it is not always as harsh as other forms of disrespect. Another form of disrespect is technological disrespect. Many people are disrespected and humiliated on social networks such Facebook, Twitter, and etc. But it doesn’t stop there, emailing texting, and even when talking on the phone can lead to technological disrespect. There is a lot of disrespect on the internet such as Facebook, both male and female can comment on somebody picture and say something sexual that the person would take offensive in disrespect. On twitter people can tweet something sexual and the only reason people are doing it because of fear so they hide behind a computer. Aside from technological disrespect is an even bigger issue of disrespect, physical disrespect. We’ve all heard about violence, not just in relationships but violence in general. Some examples of physical disrespect is violence in a relationship, physically hurting your children or family, or physically harming yourself. Physical disrespect is probably one of the worst forms of disrespect because it not only affects you physically but also emotionally and cognitively. One example of Physical disrespect is the bus driver incident that was over the news. A man should never put his hands on a female regardless of any circumstance. Physical abuse leaves scars that will not go away. In a relationship if you are getting physically disrespected, you should not be in the relationship than, no relationship is worth getting hit all the time. There are many variables when it comes to respect and disrespect. If you always respect a person it is likely that they will disrespect you. In this society that we live in treat others the way that you want to be treated. Respect goes a long way in life. Respect is to consider somebody that is high worthy. Everybody should be high worthy to you , just go by the guidelines provided below and you will be a respected person and also know how important it is to respect somebody else. Work Cite Page Koppelman, A. (2010). How Shall I Praise Thee? Brian Leiter on Respect for Religion. San Diego Law Review, 47(4), 961-986. Colker, J. (2012). THE DANGER OF DISRESPECT. Smart Business Chicago, 9(11), 10. How to cite Respect vs. Disrespect, Papers
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