Friday, February 14, 2020
The culture of Zulu Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The culture of Zulu - Research Paper Example This led to the Battle of Isandlwana where the British suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Zulus. They were eventually defeated by the British in the battle of Ulundi in 1979 (Dougherty & Sievert, 2008). During the Apartheid years, Zulus were classified as third class citizens and were forced to suffer discrimination at the hands of the state. Zulus have played an important role in the end of Apartheid and in the development of modern South Africa. The two important political parties of the country – African National Congress and the Inkatha freedom party were both formed by Zulus. They also participated in large numbers in the struggle to end Apartheid in both the parties. In this essay, discussions will be focused on the culture of Zulus especially their Religion, political organization of Zulus before the arrival of British and the Gender relations in Zululand (Dougherty & Sievert, 2008). Mode of Subsistence Farming and cattle rearing were the primary modes of subsistence of the Zulus. Cattle especially the Ox was very important for the Zulus. Cattle were also given great significance and there was also a special place for the cattle in the family .The cattle was reared largely for eating purposes. Although all the cattle and the farms were owned by the head of the family who was a man each of his wives was provided with a set of her own farms and cattle which were used by her in order to feed her immediate family (Dougherty & Sievert, 2008). Zulu Religion The Spirit World Zulus placed a lot of importance on their ancestors and their spirits. These ancestors were supposed by them to be living in Unkulunkulu which was considered as the world of the spirits. The ancestors were the link between the living and the spirits. For this reasons they needed to be remembered by the family members, praised regularly and also appeased by maKing offerings to them. In case a family failed to do so, the spirits are were to visit them in the form of trou bles. These troubles can be solved only if the mistake of the family is rectified and the spirits of the ancestors are pacified by some offerings and by showering praises on them. The Sangoma was the spiritual healer and the priest of the Zulus. In case of a mishap such as failure of crops, death of livestock, draught or any other natural calamity the Sangoma was the one who declared the reasons for the calamity. The calamity could have been caused by the unhappy spirits or by witchcraft. If it was the former, the family was supposed to appease the ancestors but if it was the latter a witch-hunt and the elimination of the witch responsible was carried out (Monteiro-Ferreira, 2005). Another important religious person among the Zulus is the Inyanga. The Inyanga can be said to be the doctor of the Zulu tribe. He mostly used local plants and animals in order to find cure of the common diseases like cuts, bruises. The cure was usually followed by religious rituals in which the spirits we re praised and pacified and asked to restore the health of the person who is sick (Monteiro-Ferreira, 2005). It is not only ancestors whose spirits were worshipped by the Zulus. The spirits were also supposed to exist in animals, forests, mountains and caves. Thus animals should be fed properly and cared for, the forest and the mountains should not be made angry or the spirits living in them will have their vengeance on the people. The Zulus are afraid of the phenomenon of lightning. They believed
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Managing the Financial Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Managing the Financial Future - Essay Example These are international standardized test used by various schools and universities of US, Australia and UK to select students for various courses. The education sector in general is experiencing a healthy growth rate and on an average 110,000 individuals sit in the tests that will be catered to by Prepgenie. Prepgenie provides the aspirants with test preparatory tools like practice exercises, test papers and online interactive gaming sessions. As a strategy Prepgenie outsources content creation to low cost destinations like Asian countries. Its development centers in India and Vietnam have a pool of English educated, highly qualified yet low cost professionals who create content. It helps Prepgenie in minimizing cost and yet provides quality products. As a unique strategy, Prepgenie also uses multiple platforms to deliver the preparatory and learning tools in order to reduce cost and increase customer retention and interactivity. The online proprietary interactive platform provides better learning experience for the aspirant and also allows Prepgenie to capture crucial data about individual learning preferences learning style. Prepgenie also uses its LMS to create a vibrant online community of test takers. However, an offline mode of content delivery is important - more so for overseas customers where access to the Internet is limited, or is expensive. However, this medium is expensive as it involves publication, stock maintenance and delivery. Digital download is by far the most inexpensive for Prepgenie, thereby enabling it to offer more volume of content. However, this mode suffers from three major disadvantages - possible piracy, higher cost of ownership for the user if s/he intends to print these documents and no interactivity with the company. A combination all three platforms helps Prepgenie to maximize profit, minimize cost and increase interactivity. PrepGenie aims to cater to 1000 students in its first years of operations. Over the next 3 years, it aims to expand its student base to about 5000 students across Australia, UK and US and increase its average revenue per student from the present USD 450 to USD 1000.As on Jan, 2009, Prepgenie has a small team of 17 team members. It plans to increase its team size to about 30 by year end and to 45 by the end of the 3rd year. Prepgenie plans to introduce low cost products as a market penetration strategy. However, within the 2nd year of its operations, it plans to introduce comprehensive, multimedia based preparatory tools that will let PrepGenie charge premium prices. On a long term basis, PrepGenie aims to be the most innovative test prep solutions provider for a range of tests. Question 2 Describe how finances are managed within your department or project, including the nature and use of budgets and how these are established. Explain how your financial management processes fit into the overall strategic and operational planning
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