Friday, November 29, 2019
Underwater People free essay sample
I have yet to find one person who has heard of the best band from Boulder, Colorado known as The Samples. It is very disheartening for me to realize not too many people have experienced the unbelievable sound and style characterized by this group. I hope to remedy this unfortunate situation with this review. I tripped across The Samples newest album, Underwater People in my local music stores Jazz section. Wait! Dont stop reading, let me explain. Obviously they did not know where to put a band with so much talent. They probably had never heard music quite as good as The Samples and because of this they had no idea where it belonged. I think the band deserves a section all to itself, especially now that they have three albums. (I think I would be hard-pressed to find a music store that agreed with me, however true this statement might be. We will write a custom essay sample on Underwater People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) The Samples consist of four unbelievably skilled musicians: Sean on guitar and vocals; Al Laughlin on keyboards and vocal; Jeep on drums and percussion and Andy S. on bass and vocals. Their latest album is a compilation of eight songs, four new and four taken from their previous two albums. Branford Marsalis adds an excellent dimension with his guest appearance, as does Charles Hambleton with his guitar in two different songs. I cannot come up with adequate words to describe this band. They are like no other band. They and their songs are full of contagious energy. I guarantee that anyone who dares to track down The Samples will love their music as much as I do. n
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Andrew Jacksons Presidency
Andrew Jackson In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson ran against John Quincy Adams. Everyone that wasn’t in support of Adams, ran against him. Jackson was able to modify some of the awkward things that Adams did when he became President in the previous election. Jackson’s supporters told others that Adams was a member of the upper class and that Jackson himself represented the â€Å"common man.†And since Jackson was a military chief and commander, Adams followers said that if Jackson became President that he would become an over powerful dictator like Napoleon Bonaparte. Just like people were saying at the time, this really was a personal election. In spite of all the clashing of ideas, Jackson turned out to be the easy winner, probably based on the fact that there truly was more common people than wealthy ones. The day Jackson sworn in as the new President, that started the Jacksonian Age. When Jackson went on his way to the capital, tons of â€Å"common†people gathered in crowds to see him and cheer him on. Since Jackson was a every day person, he let other ever day people in to work in the white house. This system became later known as the Spoils System. But these new people weren’t getting the job done as well as previous members did before. Jackson had many other ideas that he wanted to be completed when he was President. Jackson wanted to veto the national bank, war on the Bank of the Untied States, and to get rid of all the Indians. Jackson didn’t like the bank because he believed, and like most of the westerners, that the bank had too much power. Jackson and his followers saw the Bank as undemocratic. The private employees who ran the Bank became rich off of the public funds. That is what Jackson really despised. Jackson had sent an angry message to Congress saying that he vetoed the Bank and powerful enough reasons. One of his man reasons was that he believed that the Bank helped make the u... Free Essays on Andrew Jacksons Presidency Free Essays on Andrew Jacksons Presidency Andrew Jackson In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson ran against John Quincy Adams. Everyone that wasn’t in support of Adams, ran against him. Jackson was able to modify some of the awkward things that Adams did when he became President in the previous election. Jackson’s supporters told others that Adams was a member of the upper class and that Jackson himself represented the â€Å"common man.†And since Jackson was a military chief and commander, Adams followers said that if Jackson became President that he would become an over powerful dictator like Napoleon Bonaparte. Just like people were saying at the time, this really was a personal election. In spite of all the clashing of ideas, Jackson turned out to be the easy winner, probably based on the fact that there truly was more common people than wealthy ones. The day Jackson sworn in as the new President, that started the Jacksonian Age. When Jackson went on his way to the capital, tons of â€Å"common†people gathered in crowds to see him and cheer him on. Since Jackson was a every day person, he let other ever day people in to work in the white house. This system became later known as the Spoils System. But these new people weren’t getting the job done as well as previous members did before. Jackson had many other ideas that he wanted to be completed when he was President. Jackson wanted to veto the national bank, war on the Bank of the Untied States, and to get rid of all the Indians. Jackson didn’t like the bank because he believed, and like most of the westerners, that the bank had too much power. Jackson and his followers saw the Bank as undemocratic. The private employees who ran the Bank became rich off of the public funds. That is what Jackson really despised. Jackson had sent an angry message to Congress saying that he vetoed the Bank and powerful enough reasons. One of his man reasons was that he believed that the Bank helped make the u...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethics and Financial Crisis of 2008 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics and Financial Crisis of 2008 - Essay Example The instruments used to create debt in the economy were subprime mortgages. These mortgages were given to people who do not have collateral for their borrowing and were given without banks assessing their sources of income. They were given on the basis of credit score. Hence, in case these people go bankrupt, banks had no avenue to recover their investments. Since, the Financial System in the USA is not independent this created a â€Å"domino effect†situation. When the largest investment bank in the universe Lehmann Brothers collapsed, many other institutions in the US started feeling the pressure. Many had to write off their investments in Lehmann Brothers and they started to crumble. In order to assess why this happened, a study of risky and unethical instruments that were prevalent in the US Financial System at that time is needed. (NY, 2009) Credit Default Swaps are one of the most risky instruments that were common in the United States of America’s financial syste m prior to the 2008 financial crises. This instrument was used by lending companies to hedge their investment against credit risk. If one party need loan, the lender usually asked an insurance company to hedge their loan in the case of credit event against a periodic fee. This looked really bright and it was considered that it was going to increase the level of investments in the economy. For example, if A needs a loan and have a credit rating of B+. B lends loans and lends only to companies with a credit rating of AAA. The third party C with a credit rating of AAA will tell B that it will insure A against a periodic payment. Suppose A agrees and lend $2 Billion to A. It is also important to assume that insurance companies have limited assets. Suppose C has assets worth $3 Billion. It can be assumed that in case of bankruptcy of A, B can recover his investment through C. This looked fine, but what started happening was that companies like started insuring the loans that were as big as 10 times of their assets. Now in case credit event occurs, then they were unable to repay the lender. That was only a speculation that borrowers won’t default on loans. However, if loans that were more than the assets held by C default, then there is no way C can pay A. This would lead to a collapse. Not only A and C will collapse, but A will also go down due to high level of non-performing loans. Similarly, all the debtors of A will also lose their money and domino effect will be created. This is what happened prior to the crises started. The instruments were so risky, that they lead to the fall of the whole Financial System of the United States of America. The reason of failure of these instruments was the high systematic risk that was present in this type of securities. Since, it is impossible to diversify this risk, there was no way that the insurance companies could predict which companies would do well and which would fall down. Since, these instruments could not be diversified it lead a collapse of the whole financial system of the United States of America. (Money Monitoring, 2011). MBS or Mortgage Backed Securities were another fancy term used in the era prior to the 2008 financial crises. Mortgages were given on the premise that the property prices have been rising in the economy. So even if the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What makes Margaret Mead so important in Anthropology circles Essay
What makes Margaret Mead so important in Anthropology circles - Essay Example In the documentary videos about her life and work perused for this essay, one could witness the key developments in anthropological study that she initiated. One could see in the videos, that Mead contributed immensely to not just the study of cultural anthropology retrospectively, but she played a role in creating new trends and fashions in her own era. In this view, Mead was a key figure who ushered the cultural upheavals in the American society of the 1960s. The ‘Hippies’ culture of this period was inspired by thoughts of such intellectuals as Mead, who were able to present anthropology from a feminist perspective. In her early field work in remote islands in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia, Mead had documented the significance of face-to-face interactions, especially the crucial role that adults play in the lives of children, simply by virtue of their presence. Mead’s work on gender roles and behaviour in a society has withstood the scrutiny of time. For example, in the case of development of boys, by having regular contact with various kinds of men (some abrasive, some gentle, some caring, some others playful, some serious, some sporty, some cerebral, etc) boys get a well-rounded and empowering notion of what is possible in their own lives when they grow up. This is in contrast with the Boy Scouts of America's rather narrow definition of proper masculinity, which causes more harm than help boys realize their full potential. For example, â€Å"misogyny and homophobia are characteristic of mid-century definitions of masculinity in part because those definitions are oppositional: a man is manly because he is not womanly, or feminine, or subject to the male gaze. Opening masculinity up to different modes of behavior, including traditionally "feminine" ones, helps to define men in the context of what they are, not what they are not. Moving away from abstractions, and allowing boys the flexibility that we currently as a society claim to want for our girls, can only be for the good.†(Lanclos, 2010, p.341) Mead’s studies showed the impact of culture upon nature, at a time when the pre-eminence of nature was still holding forte. She followed the precedence set by Franz Boas (who had earlier conducted fieldwork in South Pacific) and pointed to the fact that attitudes and behavior related to sexual conduct differed greatly between the studied group and that of middle class Americans. This was a radical new idea at that time, as adolescence was seen as universally turbulent and conflicted. Mead’s insights into the role of ‘nurture’ in sexual conduct revolutionized Western notions of culture and interpersonal relations. For example, the culture of these people from distant lands created a â€Å"more permissive, guilt-free attitude towards sexual intercourse in teenage years, without any commitment to permanent relationships†. (Cravens, 2010, p.299) In general, sex was seen as a re creation and indulged in for fun. American readers of these studies were taken aback at first. But they soon warmed up to the allure of â€Å"exotic young maidens were having delightful sexual romps on exotic isles with a changing cast of young male companions was virtually irresistible to many literate Americans. Mead thus reached great fame and popularity in the United States.†(Cravens, 2010, p.299) Margaret Mead’s path-breaking book Coming of Age in Samoa offered such a fresh perspective that in the foreword to the book, her mentor Franz Boas summarizes the core thesis thus: â€Å"Courtesy, modesty, good manners, conformity to definite ethical standards are universal, but what constitutes these is not universal. It is instructive to know that standards differ in the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Lean Production System-(JIT) Just In Time Inventory Research Paper
Lean Production System-(JIT) Just In Time Inventory - Research Paper Example n.d., par. 1). In HMC’s situation, therefore, JIT inventory is perceived to be a crucial part of the lean production system whereby the identified goals contain the need to focus on maximizing the use of the most appropriate inventory levels which are consistent with the strategies used. Explanation on How JIT would Help HMC’s Subassembly Area The current situation at HMC’s subassembly area is as follows: (1) an increase in outsourcing brought greater demands for assembly operations; (2) management was reported to have been experiencing difficulties in allotting space for assembly operations; (3) there was no permanent and enough space for assembly operations as case facts indicate that management often located the assembly areas in any location where there was open floor space; (4) with anticipated demands for increased assembly operations, HMC finds itself experiencing extreme cases of excess materials or the need to expedite materials from suppliers at the ver y last minute to prevent from missing a customer’s deadline; (5) the original plant layout did not include a space of assembly operations; thereby current assembly layout causes inefficiencies and increases costs and wastes in production time and resources. The JIT would definitely help the sub-assembly area by recommending strategies that would improve sourcing, delivery and level (as well as costs) of inventories and improving the lay-out for production, among others. As emphasized, â€Å"JIT applies primarily to repetitive manufacturing processes in which the same products and components are produced over and over again. The general idea is to establish flow processes (even when the facility uses a jobbing or batch process layout) by linking work centers so that there is an even, balanced flow of materials throughout the entire production process, similar to that found in an assembly line. To accomplish this, an attempt is made to reach the goals of driving all inventory buffers toward zero and achieving the ideal lot size of one unit†(Just-In-Time (JIT) Production, n.d., par. 2). By eliminating the need to movement of people and materials (layout); observing and calculating the most effective inventory level; as well as observing the goals of JIT partnerships (â€Å"elimination of unnecessary activities; elimination of in-plant inventory; elimination of in-transit inventory; and elimination of poor suppliers) (Ahmadi, n.d., p. 13), JIT would have helped HMC in improving the subassembly area. Explanation of Impact These Actions on the Objectives Established As one has explained, the JIT goals are consistent with the goals that were established by HMC, to wit:
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Security And Confidentiality On The Internet Information Technology Essay
Security And Confidentiality On The Internet Information Technology Essay On 9th of November 2009 The Internet teacher requested 3000 word report related to the FETAC Internet module. This report was to be submitted by 14th of January2010. The topic of the report is Security and Confidentiality on the Internet with reference to cookies, viruses, encryption, digital signatures, firewalls, filtering software and personal privacy. Recommendations were requested. 2. Method of Procedure I found most of the information on the internet. In order to obtain the relevant information, I used Google Search Engine with keywords in English: Internet Security, Privacy on the Internet, Malware, Computer Viruses, Cookies, Firewalls, Filtering Software, Encryption, Digital Signatures, Computer Protection, Threats on the Internet. Keywords in Lithuanian: Privatumas Internete, Saugumas Intenete, Kompiuteriniai Virusai, UgniasienÄ-s, Filtravimo PrgraminÄ- Ä ®ranga, Ã…Â ifravimas, Skaitmeninis ParaÃ…Â ¡as, Pavojai Internete. Also, some printed sources of information such as books and a periodical press in English and Lithaunian were adopted. Several pages for each topic were checked to confirm that the information was correct and fully understud. That hepled me to make conclusions and to give recommendations. 3. Findings 3.1 Importance of Subject With the progress of affordable technology more of us store more and more of our life in bits and bytes. By the end of 2009 there was more than 1,5 billion Internet users in 260 countries on every continent. The Internet is not a single network, but a vast array of connected networks situated all over the world, easily accessible by personal computers, notebooks, netbooks, smartphones, PDAs, game consoles, advanced TVs, same photo cameras or even kitchen appliances as hi-tech fridges and microwaves in a variety of ways. Today, the Internet uses gateways, routers, broadband connections, Wi-Fi spots and Internet service providers (ISPs) to make itself available at all times. Individuals and organizations worldwide can reach almost any point on the network without regard to national or geographic boundaries or time of day, there is some exceptions regarding to Internet censorship. Nowadays, it become hard to find the business without any connection to the Internet, because of its excellent source of marketing, convenience, high speed, low cost, and almost unlimited possibilities. Institutions of education, hospitals, banks, institutions of public service, providers of mobile service and internet, utility companies and of course our government has our personal information on their computers and they are connected to the Internet. With the birth of Social Networking Sites such as Bebo, Facebook, MySace, Twitter ect., we sharing our pictures, personal details, our thoughts and lives with friends and if we are not careful with everybody on the Internet. Just Facebook on its own has more than 400 million users. Even more, with new generation of Internet- Cloud Computing, individuals and business users are storing less data on their hard drives and more in the cloud- remote servers, operated by giants like Google and Amazon. However, while using the Internet, along with the convenience and speed of access to information come new risks. Among them are the risks that valuable information will be lost, stolen, corrupted, or misused and that the computer systems will be corrupted. If information is recorded electronically and is available on networked computers, it is more vulnerable than if the same information is printed on paper and locked in a file cabinet. Intruders do not need to enter an office or home, and may not even be in the same country. They can steal or tamper with information without touching a piece of paper or a photocopier. They can create new electronic files, run their own programs, and even hide all evidence of their unauthorized activity. So if we are closing and locking the door in our house to prevent criminals gain access to our valuables, we must take care of our house and life in the digital world and use all possible security and privacy on the Internet measures against the threats. WORLD INTERNET USAGE AND POPULATION STATISTICS World Regions Population ( 2009 Est.) Internet Users Dec.31,2000 Internet Users Latest Data Penetration (%Population) Growth 2000-2009 Users %of Table Africa 991,002,342 4,514,400 67,371,700 6.8 % 1,392.4% 3.9 % Asia 3,808,070,503 114,304,000 738,257,230 19.4 % 545.9 % 42.6 % Europe 803,850,858 105,096,093 418,029,796 52.0 % 297.8 % 24.1 % Middle East 202,687,005 3,284,800 57,425,046 28.3 % 1,648.2% 3.3 % North America 340,831,831 108,096,800 252,908,000 74.2 % 134.0 % 14.6 % Latin America/Caribbean 586,662,468 18,068,919 179,031,479 30.5 % 890.8 % 10.3 % Oceania / Australia 34,700,201 7,620,480 20,970,490 60.4 % 175.2 % 1.2 % WORLD TOTAL 6,767,805,208 360,985,492 1,733,993,741 25.6 % 380.3 % 100.0 % Copyright  © 2001 2009, Miniwatts Marketing Group 3.2 Personal Privacy Total privacy does not exist on the Internet, but it is possible to minimize the risks. Most security breaches are not done by technology, but by social engineering. In security, people is the most risky factor of all, yet its the one thing thats often forgotten. A company may setup firewalls, security software, locks and fingerprint scanners, but if they forget to establish and enforce a well designed security policy, they have forgotten the most important part. The easiest way to get a password from someone is just to ask! In more likely situations, an attacker may simply call random people and pretend they are a tech support person trying to fix a problem, and ask for confidential information as part of the diagnostic. Pretexting Pretexting is the way of stealing information by providing just a little bit of known information, and pretending to be someone youre not. Thats how identity thieves can call banks and, after a few tries, by simply providing basic information about the target, get all the data they want. Phishing Phishing is when you receive an email that looks like its from your bank, Paypal, online shop or another secure site you use, and asking you to login to confirm your information. It works in this way: the criminals sets up a website which looks like the genuine one and then sends phishing email to thousands of people, until they find somebody. Then when the person tries to login, his login information is intercepted by the bad guys and used to steal valuable information. Malware Malicious programs, especially Key loggers can record what keys on the keyboard you are pressing when login to secure websites, to obtain your username and password. Often Key loggers are incorporated together with Trojan Viruses, programs which pretends to be useful software i.e. antivirus or computer maintenance programs, to send stolen information to the criminals. Privacy threats on Social Networking Sites Internet users have to be very careful with the private information that they share on the web. Internet is becoming very popular way to communicate with people. Most people who give too much of private information about themselves arent aware about the risks they taking. There are people who can pretend to be your friends, gain information and use this information against you for blackmailing, psychological terror or for access to secure private pages. Conclusions and Recommendations The offenders are always inventing new methods to steal private information. We have to be aware about that, constantly refresh our knowledge about security and existing scam schemes and take all possible security measures by using trusted up to date security software. Never click a link in an email from unknown sender, never download from an untrusted source, and always type in the address of your financial sites to access them. Need to avoid to disclose sensitive information online especially to the people we dont know very well. Also we have to remember that these attacks also can be done offline. Most identity thefts are done by people simply going through rubbish bins and getting confidential data that was thrown out, like a bank statements, invoices, payslips ect. We cant do much to secure our personal data collected and stored by businesses and institutions which can also be stolen or misused, just hope that they will take same good care as we do. 3.3 Cookies What are Cookies? Cookies are a piece of text that a web server sends to web browser and are stored on a users hard disk. Main purpose of cookies is to help prepare customized web pages with our settings, interests, browsing habits. It works in similar way to loyalty cards i.e. if we bought a book in Amazon internet shop, next time when we come back to Amazon first it will offer similar books to our purchase. Cookies do not act maliciously on computer systems. They are text files that can be deleted at any time. Cookies cant be used to spread viruses. But because any personal information that we gave to a web site will be stored in a cookie some people can accept it as a threat to privacy and anonymity. To prevent misuse of information in the cookie if its stolen, information in the cookie is encrypted. How do They Work? When we visit a site that uses cookies, it can ask the browser to place one or more cookies on the visitors hard drive. It will contain our name and password, fill in form i.e. delivery addresses and basically what we do in the page. Next time, when we come back to the site the web browser sends back the cookies that belong to the site and then we will see personalized Web page with our details. Generally cookies help us to save a little bit of time. And we always have possibility to switch it off, however internet shopping web pages requires cookies to accesses them. How Could I Prevent/Manage Cookies? If we want to delete cookies we have to follow these steps: Internet Explorer: Tools /Internet options/Security /Set security level to high or custom level/Cookies/Disable. Mozilla Firefox: Tools/Options/Privacy/Cookies/Uncheck/Allow sites to set cookies Other options are to use designated Cookie Managing software or to use advanced Antivirus programs which also have the option to control cookies, to block cookies that we dont want and save only the cookies that we want. Conclusions and Recommendations I think that cookies are useful because we can get personalized information to read, do not spend time on security questions where it is necessary to enter a password, we dont have to spend time filling up same forms. Cookies do not collect information saved in the computer, it can contain only private data that we give to a website on our own free will. And if we dont want some cookies we are able to remove them from computer when we want. Some websites such as internet banking, e-shops and similar are impossible to use properly without allowing the cookies. 3.4 Viruses What is a Virus? Computer viruses are small malicious program codes, which are designed by using various techniques to hide themselves inside the executable files. Their aim is to replicate, spread between the computers using removable media or network and to interfere with computer operation: slowing down computer, damaging or deleting data, disturbing users and wasting time by showing annoying massages. Virus can be classified by several characteristic: depend on the origin, on the way how they infect computer, on the place where they hide, on the damage that they can cause However, the computer virus is only one type of the malicious software or malware, but majority of computer users referring to all malicious programs (Trojan horses, worms, rootkits, spyware etc.) as the viruses. Type of Virus Different viruses can have many common characteristics and constantly appearing viruses with new specifications or combinations. Resident Virus. Loads the replication module into RAM memory when is executed, after this virus can infect all files that are accessed by user or operating system. If the antivirus program fails to spot the virus in the RAM it can infect all scanned files. FAT Virus. The File Allocation Table is a fundamental element in the system it works like an index, keeping information where is the files stores on the hard disk drive (HDD), which sectors are empty etc. If this vital index is destroyed by virus, it makes impossible for computer to locate files. It also can overwrite the files or entire directories corrupting them permanently. Sometimes the only solution to fix the computer affected by FAT virus is to format hard disk drive. Huge downside of this is that all information on HDD will be permanently erased. Virus of Direct-Action. Sometimes referred as Non-Resident Virus, they are unlike to resident virus, not loading in to RAM memory. They try to infect the programs and cause damage at the moment of execution of infected file. Most of viruses are Resident. Overwriting Virus. Most destructible type of virus, it overwrites the information in the infected files corrupting them permanently. If you dont have the back-up copy of your files its a bad news because the only way to get rid of this type of virus is to delete infected files. Boot Virus. Also known as System Virus. These viruses infect critical section with boot code on hard disk or another bootable media storage that helps to start computer. When the computer starts up and the boot virus is launched, it can take complete control over infected computer and does everything it wants (steal private information, delete system files etc.) Clean bootable antivirus software required to disinfect the system. However depend on the virus this solution is not enough to clean bootable sector. Macro Virus. Macros are micro-programs associated with a file that serve to automate joint complexes of operation. Macro virus expand from applications which use macro, word document (file with extension .doc),Excel (file with extension .xls) data of Access (file with extension .mdb), Power point (file with extension .pps). When we open a file containing a virus of this type of macros are automatically loaded causing the infection. Most applications that use macros have, but many macro viruses easily circumvent this protection. Multipartite Virus.Very advanced type of virus that can perform multiple infections combining different techniques. These viruses are considered very dangerous, for its ability to combine many techniques of infection and harmful effects of their actions. File Virus. Infect programs or executable files (files with extension .ex and .com) when run the infected program, the virus becomes active, producing different effects. The majority of exiting viruses are of this type. Logic Bombs.Neither virus is considered strictly as they do not reproduce. They are not separate programs, but hides in an unmarked segment within another program.They aim to destroy the data on a computer or cause other significant damage on it when certain conditions are met. While this does not happen, no one notices the presence of the logic bomb. Its action can be extremely destructive. Trojan Virus.Trojan arent considered virus, because they dont replicate themselves. Trojans are commonly hidden in the programs that appliers to be useful, but instead opens unauthorized access to users computer. Trojans also can be installed thorough web pages with executable content (ActiveX control), email attachements. The effects of the Trojan can be very dangerous, allowing remote control from other computer (downloading, uploading, modifying or deleting files), installing key loggers and other malware, connecting computer to botnet (sending SPAM messages, perform network DDos attacks). How can computers become infected and what damage can cause? Viruses can infect computers through: Internet (email attachments, infected web pages, downloading infected files) Computer networks Removable Media Drives Virus Symptoms: The computer runs very slow Reduces the available memory The computer shuts down or freeze frequently There are programs which do not work or malfunction There is less free space on your hard disk Computer files disappear Strange messages appear on the screen. Some file are renamed or extended Conclusions and Recommendations Not everything that affects the normal functioning of a computer is a virus. Is very important to have means to detect and disinfect viruses use an antivirus program and update daily (use default settings). Scan all removable disks before use it and scan computer periodically at least once a week. 3.5 Firewall A firewall is a system that protects a computer or computer networks blocking unauthorized network access while permitting authorized communications. Firewall can be implemented in software, hardware or combination of both. Firewall is placed between protected and unprotected networks and acts as a gate to protect network or single computer, by inspecting network traffic, applying rules and allowing or denying connection. Firewall can use different techniques to do so: Packet filter (inspects every information packet passing through the network) Application gateway (applies rules to specific applications such as FTP, Telnet servers.) Circuit-level gateway(applies rules to TCP or UDP connections, when are made there is no further inspection.) Proxy Server (checks all network activity passing through network.) Conclusions and Recommendations Everyone should use a firewall against network intruders to protect computer and private information. Most of the antivirus programs and operating systems have integrated firewall software. Minor disadvantage of firewall, it can slow down Internet traffic and can be tricky for not advanced users to set-up it properly (not blocking traffic for useful programs). 3.6 Filtering Software The filtering software is designed to control what contents are allowed to be accessed on Internet. Often its installed on the computers of educational, government organizations, private companies. Filtering software is commonly used by parents to prevent their children from having access to certain web places unsuitable for minors. It also can be used as the mean of censorship in some countries. How does it work? Nowadays on the market there are many options of filtering software with various techniques and content filtering to prevent from harmful online material. The filtering programs works like that: Address blocking websites containing such content Controlling access times Accepting default address list Possible to establish your own list of addresses Assigning different profiles or different days and times(work, leisure, etc.) Controlling which services can be used at any time and for each user (mail, chat, etc.) Advantages and disadvantages of Filtering Software. Advantage of filtering software is that does not allow minor to access pages of violence, pornography, racism. In a work place it prevents employees of wasting their time and resources for personal proposes (chatting online, social network pages, etc.). Main disadvantage is over-zealous filtering. Par example, in some filters attempts to block the word sex would block words such as Essex and Sussex and etc. Internet censorship in some countries limits freedom of speech for different reasons and that is not a good thing. Some Filtering Software examples. Netnanny, Mobicop, DansGuard, CleanFeed,Web Sence 3.7 Encryption Its a method to convert the characters of a text that can not be understood unless it is read with the corresponding key. Used to protect the integrity of secret information if it is intercepted. Encryption is also used when data is sent via secure intranet (VSPN). Encryption is used for electronic commerce to protect credit card information. How does it work? The keys are the heart of the encryption. The keys are complex mathematical formulas (algorithms) used to encrypt and decrypt information. If someone encrypts a message, only one with the appropriate key can decrypt the message. Algorithms are used to perform a hash function. This process produces a unique MD5 for this message. The MD5 is encrypted with the senders private key resulting in a fingerprint. Conclusions and Recommendations Everyone who has and important or secret information (banks, hospitals, government, universities, e-commerce sites) they have to keep this information in secret from fraudsters. In recent years, it was few cases when portable computers of government organizations with secret information were lost or stolen. Laptops (portable computers) became more and more popular and most of us have some kind of personal information on our computers. So it is very important to have that information encrypted, in case of losing it. 3.8 Digital Signatures A set of data in electronic form attached to or associated with others which are used to identify the signatory, which allows you to check the provenance, authenticity and integrity of messages exchanged over the Internet. There are two types of electronic signatures: basic and advanced. The basic does not guarantee the identity of the signer, neither the veracity of information received since the sending does not ensure that the issuer has made it known to us, while the advanced signature identifies the signer and detect any subsequent change of data that could occur. The digital signature is a specific techology signature and created by the so-called System Asymmetric key cryptography and it works like that : The holder has two keys : public key and private key ,private key is only known to the issuer and is associated to the information you send .while the person who received only know their public key . Two keys are needed and complement each other to get the encrypted message appears as the original . When we want sent private information the information is encrypted by system which use mathematical operations so the information becames encripted ( strange numbers and letters) so the message only can be deciphered by the people who know the instruction and have a public key Conclusions and Recommendations It should be used by the organitations which have an important or secret information as banks, universities, hospitals, etc., these organitations should use digital signatures in order to avoid the risk of fraud .they have to be sure about the authenticy of the sender.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Historical Events that Impacted Contact Improvisation Essay -- Dance T
Historical Events that Impacted Contact Improvisation Dance has evolved greatly throughout the centuries. It began with ballet and has led up to contact improvisation. This form of dance begun in the early 1970's and was started by a man named Steve Paxton and a group of postmodern dancers from New York City. Contact improvisation is a partnering form of dance and known as the art of moving spontaneously with a group or another person. This form of dance does not require the exact set of traditional skills of other dance form, it doesn’t have a technique that could be studied, and it is practiced in order to accomplish the highest potential. Contact improvisation came at a great time period, which of course was the 70's. The main historical events that were taking place then were the Watergate Scandal, the end of the Cold War, and the Vietnam War. The Watergate Scandal was a very important and altering event in our nation’s history. The Watergate Scandal was during a presidential campaign when DC police arrested five men caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in a residence complex, the Watergate. Eventually, the scandal got back to Nixon and they realized that he was behind it. Then the House of Judiciary Committee adopted three articles of impeachment, which were Nixon’s abusing of power, obstructing justice, and defying Judiciary Committee subpoenas. Before Nixon was impeached he resigned from the presidency on August 9, 1974. After this happened people had less confidence in the nation and Americans became suspicious of the government. This scandal I think had little affect on contact improvisation. They might have started this because they were showing their anger or unt... ... better way for people to express their emotions. First of all, improvisation is dancing what your feeling or thinking at that time so that expresses your emotions, and therefore contact improvisation would be more effective to get your feelings out on war. In conclusion, contact improvisation was a very big development especially for its time period. It is a partnering form and known as an art of moving spontaneously with another person. Steve Paxton began contact improvisation during the early 1970s. The events that were going on in the United States during the 70s had a great impact on contact improvisation. The main historical events during the 70s were the Watergate Scandal, the end of the Cold War, and the Vietnam War. Contact improvisation has been a source of many new understandings in dancing and it has affected a lot of contemporary choreography.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Management and Leadership: Military Essay
Introduction Though popular consensus is that management and leadership are interchangeable terms with the same purpose and meaning nothing could be further from the truth. Management can be defined as influencing one or more person’s actions and activities through planning, organizing, leading, controlling and guiding toward accomplishing set goals or objectives. Leadership can be defined as effectively influencing and directing others in a manner that encourages obedience, confidence and loyal team support in accomplishing organizational goals. From these two definitions one might have a subtle hint as to how management and leadership differ. The purpose of this paper is to differentiate between managerial and leadership positions within military organizations, describe the roles that military managers and leaders play in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture, and explain how the four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture within military organizations. The final discussion will include two recommendations to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. Leadership and Management Just as the definitions suggest a distinct deference between management and leadership all military organizations have distinctive positions for management and leadership purposes. Military organizations use a designated ranking structure for the purpose of immediate distinction between management and leadership. Leadership personnel hold the title of officer in all branches of military service. Management personnel hold the title of noncommissioned officer (NCO). While officers are immediately recruited and appointed into the leadership position NCO’s have to earn their title and managerial position in the course of progression through the ranks from private to NCO. Though these two positions differ on many levels each is equally important to military organizational culture. â€Å"A leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals†(FM 6-22, 2006). Therefore, an officer’s (leaders) main focus is to motivate soldiers both inside and outside of their immediate chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking, and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization (FM 6-22, 2006). Officers influence military personnel by setting a personal example (leading by example) on and off duty hours. Officer’s actions have a direct correlation to the amount of influence they will have in conveying purpose and vision, providing direction and motivating others. Being able to convey purpose and vision is important for officers’ to give subordinates the reason to take the necessary steps needed to accomplish missions. Open communication is essential in providing clear direction on how subordinates will go about accomplishing the mission. In order to provide clear direction officers are responsible for prioritizing mission tasks, assigning responsibilities and confirming that subordinates understand all directives given. Motivation is the key to encouraging subordinates to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the mission. An officers’ role in motivation is to understand or get to know as much as possible about the needs, capabilities or limitations of his or her subordinates to determine what motivates who and personally praise or encourage when necessary. The process of getting subordinates to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the mission falls to the NCO (managers). According to Army Regulation 5-1 (2002) â€Å"management is linked with leadership, just as doctrine, systems, processes, facilities and equipment are connected with the people who use them.†Therefore, NCO’s have the authority to make decisions based on the needs of set missions in accordance with organizational policies. The NCO’s main focus is on daily operations, and immediate subordinate’s actions toward accomplishing set tasks in order to fulfill missions. The NCO’s mission is to provide instruction and supervision over subordinates to ensure tasks are being performed effectively, efficiently and in a timely manner. NCO’s implement the four functions of management in every mission presented. Planning is used to determine a working strategy to accomplish each mission assigned to the division. NCO’s will use organizing to determine how to break down missions into smaller tasks that can be performed over time. Once tasks and timelines have been determined human resources (available manpower) is evaluated according to knowledge and experience to determine who will be most effective on which task then tasks are assigned to individuals or teams. Once teams are assigned work commences and leading begins. NCO’s are responsible for overseeing each team’s daily progress, making on the spot corrections, giving additional instruction, motivating and directing each team to ensure that all projects are going according to schedule and all workers are performing effectively and efficiently toward achieving set goals. When issues arise NCO’s are responsible for controlling situations through risk management, bringing subordinates back on track, on the spot training, enforcing organizational rules and regulations and so forth. Types of controls that are used in any given situation will vary depending on an individual’s leadership or management style. Though leadership and management styles vary depending on individual preference three specific styles stand out with both officers and NCO’s in military organizations: (1) autocratic, (2) participative and (3) delegating. Bateman and Snell (2007) describe each of these strategies as: Autocratic: leaders and or managers make decisions about what needs to be done at their own discretion then tell subordinates what to do and how they want it done. Participative: leaders and or managers will involve one or more subordinates in the decision making process on specific task planning and organizing. Delegating: leaders or managers will delegate authority to capable subordinates allowing them to make decisions for specific tasks while the leader or manager will still take full responsibility for any decision that was made through delegation. Each style is effective in its own right and in specific circumstances. Officers and NCO’s who use all three styles at different times are more effective than those who just stick to one. Organizational Culture Organizational culture is the basic nature or overall actions and conduct of an organization based on shared values and goals. In order to have a fuller understanding of military organizational culture one would need to grasp military organizational structure. Military organizations use a hierarchical divisional organizational structure. Bateman and Snell (2007) describe a divisional organization structure as â€Å"departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions.†Military divisional organizational structure is based around geographic regions. See Chart 1 for a visual break down of basic military organizational structure. DIVISIONAL ORGANIZATION: BASIC MILITARY ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Chart 1: Divisional Organization: Basic Military Organizational Structure. Notice that the basic structure consists of Officers; NCO’s and subordinates (enlisted soldiers). From the battalion level down to platoons each leader is accompanied by a manager. Information goes down the chain of command while requests go up the chain of command. Military culture is based on strict adherence to the chain of command and company policies i.e. subordinates would have to go through the squad leader and the platoon sergeant to speak to the first sergeant and so forth up the chain. Basic military organizational structure and culture is learned in _basic training_ (boot camp) where new recruits, both officers and enlisted personnel, undergo rigorous physical, mental and emotional training to establish military values and team building experience. Graduates are then separated and sent to _advance individual training_ (AIT) schools to learn specific trade skills. Through shared experiences from basic training new team building experiences develop. Again, graduates are separated and assigned to units based on their field of training. Shared experiences are the foundation for unit cohesiveness among all military personnel. While common experiences may vary they open the path for shared ideas, values, responsibility and perceptions of military uniformity to military organizational culture that guides all military personnel toward achieving common personal and organizational goals throughout their career. Though troops and their families are uprooted and moved from post to post at the needs of the military, sometimes at a moments notice, shared experiences and personal and professional commitment to military values and mission preserve the military organizational culture. Military organizational culture is more than a commitment. Military organizational culture is a way of life for all who dedicate their lives to honor and defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Recommendations Military organizational culture is a culture that has stood the test of time decade after decade. Retired war heroes and new recruits all have one thing in common. Each has a _common bond_ through shared experiences, dedication to military values, mission, ethics, code of conduct and so forth. Young or old, each has dedicated themselves to something bigger than themselves and committed their lives to honor and defend this nation’s freedom at all cost. While military culture has been mocked and scorned by many over the years, much can be learned from such a strong organizational culture. Many failing organizations in today’s challenging business environment would do well to incorporate some of the standards of military organizational culture into their own business. Having _strong core values_ in place is the basis for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. Military organizational culture consists of strong core values such as: â€Å"loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and courage†(U.S. Army web site, 2008). While some of these values could be considered strictly military oriented all organizations could agree that loyalty, duty, honor and integrity could be considered universal. More companies could and should integrate these types of core values into their mission and values statements to help create and maintain a more healthy organizational culture. Having a _code of conduct_ in place establishes guidelines for acceptable employee behavior which helps create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. Military organizations have established a strong code of conduct which describes separate and military distinctive areas of specific conduct becoming of service members. While the truth is that the military code of conduct is not applicable to civilian organizations all organizations could agree that specific behaviors do exist that are expected of all people within specialized organizations. Therefore, organizations could and should come up with a written policy explaining specific behaviors and actions that are acceptable and expected of all employees. Organizations may even have separate codes of conduct expectations for managers versus employees. The point here is to have an established and acceptable pattern of behavior for all employees to follow in order help maintain an overall healthy organizational culture. Conclusion From the research presented one can conclude that distinct differences between leaders and managers do exist. Leaders mainly focus on inspiring and motivating individuals toward accomplishing set goals. Managers mainly focus on motivating individuals through planning, organizing, leading and controlling functions of management. Based on these descriptions the main difference between management and leadership would be the method used to motivate individuals to accomplish goals. Though organizational structures may differ from one organization to the next organizational structure does help set the foundation for organizational culture. Organizational culture sets the tone for organizational success through shared experiences, values, beliefs and behaviors. Though many theories exist for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture each organization must come up with standards i.e. core values, code of ethics and so on that are unique and attainable to that particular organization based on specific needs i.e. values, mission and purpose. References Army Regulation 5-1. (2002). Management: Total Army Quality Management. Retrieved July 11, 2008, from Bateman T., and Snell S., (2007), Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World (7th Ed.), McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, NY. FM 6-22. (2006). Army Leadership: Competent, Confident, and Agile. Retrieved July 10, 2008 U.S. Army web site. (2008). U.S. Army: Training and Doctrine Command. Retrieved July 15, 2008, from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Consumer and Organisation Markets
Consumer and Organisation Markets Define business markets and explain how the business markets differ from consumer markets. Give relevant examples to support your answer.A business market is one consisting of individuals and organisations purchasing products and services for use in production of further goods and service for sale, lease or rental at a profit. In general a market is:"The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service. Buyers often share a particular demand or need which can be satisfied through exchanges or relationships." - Kotler.Consumer markets, on the other hand, consist of individuals and households that purchase services and goods for their own personal use or satisfaction, Consumers vary in age, gender, income, education and taste. For example: I may prefer to buy local milk for myself and my family, but my neighbour may buy Italian milk just for herself.One way of differentiating between these two markets is to ask whether or not the purchase represents the final purchase? Wi ll the product be consumed? Is the product being purchased for personal satisfaction?Business markets tend to have a relatively small number of purchasers.Market Square, EnniscorthyThere may be hundreds or thousands of manufacturers, which is a small amount in relation to the number of consumers. The relatively small number of purchasers to be reached, may therefore enable direct personal sales visits by sales representatives and be a major way of promoting sales.Consumer markets tend to have a relatively large number of purchasers. Millions of consumers may be interested in a particular product or service and consequently marketers will rely heavily on the media (e.g.: television, newspapers, radio) to promote services or products to a large number of people at once.High value purchases are widely evident in business markets. For example, Pizza Hut will order enough cheese...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues Introduction The gift of speaking in tongues is one of the gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows to Christians. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised His disciples that He would send them the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the disciples that, â€Å"when the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me†(John 15:26, NIV).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Gift of Speaking in Tongues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this view, Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them in testifying about Him, and thus encouraged the disciples that the Holy Spirit would empower them. From the verse, it is evident that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to aid the disciples complete the work, which He had commenced. On the day of Pentecost, Jesus fulfilled His promise when He gave the disciples the gift of speaking i n tongues. Since it happened that the disciples were gathered in one place during the day of Pentecost, â€Å"all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them†(Acts 2:4). Therefore, this research paper examines the gift of speaking in tongues as presented in the Bible, some Christian assumptions, and how Christians apply in today’s world. The Day of Pentecost The Day of Pentecost clearly portrays an event when the disciples received the Holy Spirit and performed great miracles, which demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus. During the Day of Pentecost, disciples gained the gift of the Holy Spirit, which enabled them to preach to all the people who were in Jerusalem. When the disciples received the gift of speaking in tongues, they spoke in tongues, which are real human languages.1 As the disciples were preaching on the day of Pentecost, the congregation listened to them and wondered wh y the disciples were speaking in their own languages. The people in the congregation wondered, they questioned why the Galileans were speaking in their own native languages (Acts 2:7-8). While some made fun about their speaking, Peter, the disciple, stood up and informed them that the disciples were not drunk, but they were filled with the Holy Ghost who gives them power to speak in other tongues so that they could spread the word of God beyond Israel. Since the event of the Pentecost empowered the disciples to preach the Gospel across all languages, the disciples implored the congregation to repent and receive baptism so that God could forgive them their sins and heal them. Owing to the gift of speaking in tongues, the disciples managed to reach out to many people.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The disciples also persuaded people repent and undergo bapti sm, so that they could save themselves from corrupted generation. â€Å"Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day†(Acts 2:41). From the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were able to perform great miracles, which shocked Jerusalem. Rulers and leaders of Jerusalem summoned John and Peter before the Sanhedrin and commanded them not to teach, speak, or perform miracles in the name of Jesus. The gift of speaking in tongues empowered the disciples to perform great miracles and wonders, which were similar to that of Jesus. In this view, the event of the Pentecost gives a clear understanding of what it means to gain the gift of the Holy Spirit. Luke and the Gift of Speaking in Tongues Luke presents the event of the Pentecost as a promise that Jesus made before ascending into heaven. Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus met His disciples and assured them that He was going to His Father, and thus they should remain in Je rusalem to receive the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49). Hence, the disciples remained in Jerusalem until the Day of Pentecost, when they received the gift of speaking in tongues. However, as disciples further questioned Jesus about the restoration of Israel, Jesus told them to wait for the Holy Spirit who was to baptize them. In the book of Acts, Luke presents the gift of speaking in tongues as a baptism, which enabled the disciples to spread the word of God across the world. Essentially, the gift of speaking in tongues signifies baptism of the Holy Spirit.2 Jesus answered His disciples that, â€Å"but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth†(Acts 1: 8). From the perspective of Luke, the Holy Spirit bestowed immense powers to the disciples so that they could spread the Gospel to the four corners of the earth. Luke also presents the gift of speaking in tongues as a prophetic power that enabled the disciples to discern signs of the times. Speaking in tongues is a form of prophetic speech, which fulfilled the prophecy of Joel in the Old Testament. Given that it is a prophetic speech, Christians should use it in the edification of the church as it prepares for the coming of Jesus, rather than using it for self-glorification. 3 During the Day of Pentecost, Peter told the congregation that the disciples were not drunk with new wine, but were filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter further informed the congregation that God had planned that in the last days, people would prophecy after the Holy Spirit empowers them (Acts 2:17).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Gift of Speaking in Tongues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this view, the Day of Pentecost heralds the end times where people would receive the power of prophecy. Thus, in the book of Acts, Luke is trying to prese nt the gift of speaking in tongues as a prophetic power that enables disciples to understand times of the end. Assumptions of the Gift of Speaking in Tongues Although the gift of speaking in tongues is evident in the Bible, there many assumptions that Christians have derived, and thus err in the interpretation of the Bible. In the book of Acts, the congregation confused the speaking in tongues because they thought the disciples were drunk with new wine. Modern Christians have also made numerous assumptions, which have complicated their understanding of speaking in tongues, as a gift of the Holy Spirit. One of the common assumptions is that speaking in tongues only happened during the Day of Pentecost. Such assumption implies that modern Christians would not experience any gift of speaking in tongues because the Pentecost was only meant for the disciples of Jesus. Modern Christians are unable to explain why the disciples existed during the ancient times, but not in the modern society .4 The assumption hinders Christians from experiencing the gift of speaking in tongues in today’s world. Pentecostal churches believe that speaking in tongues is not a human language, but rather unintelligible utterances. Charismatic churches believe that speaking in tongues is a coded language, which requires the interpreter who has supernatural powers to decode.5 Basing on the event of the Pentecost, it is apparent that the congregation heard the disciples speaking in their own languages. If the congregation could hear what the disciples were preaching, it means that they were speaking real human languages, which do not qualify to be unintelligible utterances. The gift of speaking in tongues enables one to speak using intelligible speech like the way the disciples did when they reached out to people from various tribes who were in Jerusalem during the Day of Pentecost.6Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since they are human languages, Paul, the disciple, wants Christians to interpret the tongues so that they can edify the church (1 Corinthians 14-13). Hence, speaking in tongues is only important if there are people who can interpret the tongues for the congregation to understand what the Holy Spirit says. Christians also associate speaking in tongues with evil because Paul asserts that the speaking in tongues is an indicator of unbelievers. Although Paul could speak in tongues, he admonished other Christians to speak in languages that people could understand for the benefit of the church. In the book of the first Corinthians, Paul depicts speaking in tongues as unnecessary, if it does not edify the church. Paul argues that it is better for one to speak a few intelligible words that edify the church than to speak thousands of words that edify no one. â€Å"Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is not for unbelievers, but for believers †(1 Corinthians 14: 22). Contemporary Christians assign meaning to the speaking in tongues based on community interpretation rather than grammatical hermeneutics.7 Hence, the basis of interpreting the Bible has made Christians to perceive the gift of speaking in tongues as unnecessary. Modern Christians further assume that the gift of speaking in tongues signifies the holiness among individuals. However, they do not have the means of determining if the gift of speaking in tongues is genuine or fake. Pentecostal churches strongly believe that speaking in tongues is central to their dogma because it indicates spiritual growth and development.8 While Paul regards speaking in tongues negatively as an indicator of unbelievers, Pentecostal churches regard speaking in tongues positively as an indicator of spiritual growth. Paul compares the gift of speaking in tongues with prophecy, and admonishes Christians to choose prophecy because it edifies many people. Hence, owing to the subt lety of speaking in tongues, unbelievers abuse it and mislead Christians that they can perform miracles through it. To prevent the abuse of the gift of speaking in tongues, Paul did set rules that two or three people should exercise the gift, and that the speaker must not speak unless there is an interpreter.9 The teachings of Paul, therefore, split Christians into two: those who believe in the gift of speaking in tongues as a human language and those who believe in the gift of speaking in tongues as unintelligible utterances. Application to the Lives of Christians in Today’s World Speaking in tongues has an important application in today’s church because it signifies the presence of the Holy Spirit amongst believers. In the book of Acts, Jesus informed His disciples to remain in Jerusalem until when they would receive the Holy Spirit as a form of baptism (Acts 1: 8). In this view, Luke indicates that the purpose of the Holy Spirit was to empower the disciples so that they could witness to the word of God and Jesus across the world for the people to understand the Kingdom of God. On the Day of Pentecost, Peter also told the congregation that the disciples had received the power of the Holy Spirit so that they could witness about Jesus. Since on the Day of Pentecost the disciples were able to baptize approximately 3000 people, it indicated that the gift of speaking in tongues empowered teachings of the Gospel. Although speaking in tongues empowers Christians, Paul cautions them to avoid abusing it, and thus advises Christians to use interpreters and seek other gifts of the Holy Spirit that edify the church.10 Both Luke and Paul agree that speaking in tongues entails the use of various human languages, and thus require interpreters to benefit the church. Thus, today’s Christians need to utilize the gift of speaking in tongues as an instrument of preaching the Gospel to all people across the earth. Moreover, speaking in tongues is important t o modern Christians because it signifies the presence of the Holy Spirit and end times. When the congregation wondered why the disciples were speaking in their own languages during the Day of Pentecost, Peter informed them that they were fulfilling what the prophet Joel had predicted. Peter further said that in the end times, God promised to pour His Spirit to the Christians so that they could prophecy and save many people from the corrupt world (Acts 2: 19). This shows that speaking in tongues is a sign that aids Christians to understand the times and prepare well for the coming of Jesus. In the end times, Christians will acquire the gift of prophecy, which makes them to receive â€Å"intelligible and authoritative revelations or messages†that compel them to deliver to the people.11 For the Christian prophets to interpret prophetic messages and deliver them appropriately, they require the gift of speaking in tongues. Thus, the gift of speaking in tongues and the gift of pro phecy are inseparable gifts of the Holy Spirit that the church will receive during the end times as presented by Paul and Luke. Conclusion The gift of speaking in tongues is among the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to the Christian. In the Bible, the Day of Pentecost is an event that demonstrated how the gift of speaking in tongues made disciples to speak in different languages, preach the Gospel, convert people to Christianity, and gain prophetic powers. Luke, Paul, and Peter present the gift of speaking in tongues as the power of the Holy Spirit, which enables Christians to spread the Gospel and prophecy about the end times. Essentially, Christians should use the gift of speaking in tongues in edifying the church rather than self. However, due to varied interpretation of the gift of speaking in tongues, many Christian religions have assumed that speaking in tongues is an ancient power that the disciples only received, entails unintelligible utterances, unnecessary gift because i t is a sign of unbelievers, and a sign of spiritual growth that everyone must attain. Despite such assumptions, the gift of speaking in tongues has great significance to the modern Christians. Thus, modern Christians should apply the gift of speaking in tongues in enhancing the spread of the Gospel and prophecy, which God wants to reveal to the whole world. Bibliography Bellshaw, William G. â€Å"The Confusion of Tongues.†Bibliotheca Sacra 120, no. 478 (1963): 146-53. Bozung, Douglas. â€Å"The Pentecostal Doctrine of Initial Evidence: A Study in Hermeneutical Method.†The Journal of Ministry Theology 1, no. 1 (2004): 89-107. Busenitz, Nathan. â€Å"The Gift Of Tongues: Comparing the Church Fathers with Contemporary.†Masters Seminary Journal 17, no. 1 (2006): 62-78. Clearwaters, Richard. â€Å"The Gift of Tongues and Prophecy.†Central Bible Quarterly 15, no. 2 (1972): 35-39. Hodges, Zane C. â€Å"A Symposium on the Tongues Movement Part I: The Purpos e of Tongues.†Bibliotheca Sacra 120, no. 479 (1963): 227-233. McDougall, Donald G. â€Å"Cessationism in 1 Cor 13:8-12.†Masters Seminary Journal 14, no.2 (2003): 178-213. Poythress, Vern. â€Å"Linguistic and Sociological Analyses of Modern Tongues-speaking: Their Contributions and Limitations.†Westminster Theological Journal 42, no. 2 (1980): 367-388. Swanson, Dennis. â€Å"Bibliography of Works on Cessationism.†Masters Seminary Journal 14, no. 2 (2003): 312–27. Thomas, Robert. â€Å"The Hermeneutics of Noncessationism.†Masters Seminary Journal 14, no. 2 (2003): 287-310. Van-Elderen, Bastian. â€Å"Glossolalia in the New Testament.†Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 7, no.2 (1964): 54-58. Footnotes 1 Richard Clearwaters, â€Å"The Gift of Tongues and Prophecy,†Central Bible Quarterly 15, no. 2 (1972): 38 2 Clearwaters, â€Å"The Gift of Tongues and Prophecy,†35. 3 Nathan Busenitz, â€Å"T he Gift Of Tongues: Comparing the Church Fathers with Contemporary,†Masters Seminary Journal 17, no. 1 (2006): 66. 4 Zane Hodges, â€Å"A Symposium on the Tongues Movement Part I: The Purpose of Tongues,†Bibliotheca Sacra 120, no. 479 (1963): 232. 5 Vern Poythress, â€Å"Linguistic and Sociological Analyses of Modern Tongues speaking: Their Contributions and Limitations,†Westminster Theological Journal 42, no. 2 (1980): 375. 6 Douglas Bozung, â€Å"The Pentecostal Doctrine of Initial Evidence: A Study in Hermeneutical Method,†The Journal of Ministry Theology 1, no. 1 (2004): 96. 7 Robert Thomas, â€Å"The Hermeneutics of Noncessationism,†Masters Seminary Journal 14, no. 2 (2003): 287. 8 Dennis Swanson, â€Å"Bibliography of Works on Cessationism,†Masters Seminary Journal 14, no. 2 (2003): 315. 9 William Bellshaw, â€Å"The Confusion of Tongues,†Bibliotheca Sacra 120:478 (1963): 152. 10 Bastian Van-Elderen, â€Å"Glossolalia in the New Testament,†Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 7, no.2 (1964): 54. 11 Donald McDougall, â€Å"Cessationism in 1 Cor 13:8-12,†Masters Seminary Journal 14, no.2 (2003): 188.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Article 4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
4 - Article Example The second part mentions about a farm six miles away from the town of Decorah in Iowa. The farm is about 890-acre and contains a stretch of woods and rolling fields of Heritage crops. This particular farm is known of its practice of letting its crops grow to seeds. It has been named home to the Seed Savers Exchange and is one of the biggest non-governmental seed banks within the United States (Siebert, Charles 6). An account of Diane Ott Whealy is mentioned concerning the seedlings of Heirloom plant types. And this is dates back to the year 1975. It is because of their enthusiasm towards keeping that specific variety of seeds that they Diane and the husband Kent decide to build a store. Currently, that store is said to have a membership of about 13,000 people and preserves seeds of several varieties of heirloom. Considering the increasing food extinction in the world, in the US, 90% of its historic fruits and vegetable varieties have vanished. For instance, of the 7000apple varieties grown in the 1800s, less than a hundred remain today. The same case is happening in Philippines where thousands of types of rice once existed: now only less than a hundred are there. Countries like; China, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen and Sudan are also not exempted. Some other dwindling food variety include beet, Cabbage, Cucumber, Tomato, Sweet corn, Radish, Pea, Squash, Lettuce and Muskmelon (Siebert, Charles 8). Another section of the article gives information relating to the present efforts to increasing food production in the developing continents like Africa. And this is a process that has been considered to bypass the green revolution and might only elevate the pace at which crop species and livestock breeds become extinct. Countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi, are said to have sacrificed much of their crops to the mono-cropping of imported, high-yielding ones. In conclusion, therefore, this article gives ideas relating to why some of our crop varieties
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Thinkpiece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thinkpiece - Essay Example It does not matter who exactly who would plan the PR for as long as the person who will do the PR plan knows that he or she is doing and that it is responsive to the customer’s needs. The person who could plan the PR plan could be the PR manager or marketing manager. He or she probably has the best qualification for the job because PR after all is either a function of marketing or corporate communication. Or, if such department does not exist (PR department), the company can appoint someone who is going to do job. It is important to note that just because a PR department does not exist, a PR person that will address the customer will also be ignored. It is important to respond and address customer’s concern once they talk back. It is important because customers are the lifeblood of the company, without them, the company will also not exist. Of course one would become curious to ask about the person who would be appointed if a PR department does not exist. It is important to underscore here that customers can talk and when they talk back, it means they have something important to say. The PR function is not just to communicate, but also as a customer function. It comes to us then that the person who would be appointed to plan PR when customers can talk back should have a customer service background in addition to being a great communicator both in written and oral language. If possible, the person should be a customer service manager or supervisor who has years of experience so that the appointed person has both the training and experience to adequately plan the PR plan for the customer. We have to cite caution here that if an unqualified and untrained person will be appointed to plan the PR plan when customers talk back just for the sake of having a PR person, it would become disastrous to the company. It is disastrous to the company because instead of responding adequately to the customer that they will be satisfied,
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